The right equipment
I purchased a spray rig that can apply 12 gallons per minute of emulsion at low pressure or 4 gallons a minute of acrylic at high pressure. This was a game changer for us

Beautifying your garage floor
comercial grade epoxy coating is a beautiful addition to your new house. Just before you move in is the best time to get this done.

Driveway micro-toppings and overlay
We first tried to acid stain knowing there was a good chance the patches would still be visible. When that didn’t work, we overlayed the surface with an acrylic modified cement coating that cures at over 3000 psi.

Garage Floor Epoxy Coating
An epoxy garage floor coating is on every homeowners list this Christmas. Beautiful, easy to clean and dust reduction are all the reasons you need to move forward.

New build high performance waterproofing
We are starting a new job that’s not roofing but, this long time builder wisely insisted on a crew with a roofing mentality and the use of down roof principles

Final coat applied
Even though this building had leaks before we started, the moment we applied the first coat, they were dried in.

Fluid Applied waterproofing window openings
It’s very common to waterproof the rough openings of windows with tape. And while this is very effective, it’s also recommended to add a fluid sealer on all corners

We reduce ponding
In one of my earlier post I stated that ponding cannot be eliminated unless you go to great expense of redoing your deck and or substrate.

Emergency repairs and prevention
Emergency repairs and prevention. Hard rains in Central Texas reveal issues with your neglected roof.

Gravel roof project 2 ply Elastahyde
After installing the 2 ply emulsion, we installed the 2 ply acrylic. This phase includes a total of 5 gallons per square and will be ready for the two final coats of reflective elastahyde

Silicone coating completed
Our small silicone job in East Austin is complete and like most jobs, attention to details save on call backs.

Silicone coating start
Contact us if you want to find out if this type of coating is right for you. Fred@farr2cool.com

Gravel roof project 2 ply with emulsion
After 3 days of curing, the flood coat is ready for the next phase

Gravel roof project flood coat
After a through cleaning, we applied a flood coat of emulsion in two stages; 10 gallons per square at each pass.

Gravel roof project preparation
this client wants a 30 year system. While we don’t have to tear off the entire roof, we do need to remove all the loose gravel and pressure wash the surface before we start our flood coat

Don’t like the color of your flat roof?
We provide several aesthetic solutions to visible flat roofs.

If it’s not reinforced, it’s just paint!
No disrespect to paint as it has its place in beautifying your building. When it comes to waterproofing, restoring and extending the life of your roof, a reinforced system is “Farr” more effective than a fluid compound by itself

Who else lives on your roof?
We almost always find evidence of another living creature living rent free on your property.

Pull test on a silicone repair
Much to often we are asked to provide a low cost solution to failed repairs or a poorly installed coating. In this case the building was partially coated with silicone

Roof inspections save you money
waiting until you see a leak inside your building will cost you considerably more money in structure repairs